Spring 2014

Psychology 618 (a.k.a. lab meeting)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory
Spring 2014

In this course we emphasize the critical evaluation of topical issues and data in working memory research. Toward this end, we also emphasize the methods of neuroimaging, neuropsychology, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), electroencephalography (EEG), and experimental psychology.

Format: Each week we discuss (at least) one article from the recent literature.  These discussions are organized as informal presentations that will give us an opportunity to discuss and assess in detail the theory, methods, results, and interpretation associated with that particular paper.  On occasion, these discussions are supplemented with, or supplanted by, an informal presentation of the design and/or results from an experiment being conducted in the Postle laboratory (see section on “3 credits”, below).  Following the discussion of a particular paper or project, we end the meeting with an attempt to integrate what we’ve learned from this specific information into the perspective of contemporary cognitive neuroscience inquiry.

Levels of participation: The class may be taken for 1 or 3 credits.  The requirements for 1-credit registrants are simply to come to class having read the assigned paper, and prepared to participate in the discussion. The additional requirements for 3-credit registrants are to participate in a research project in the Postle laboratory that entails at least 10 hr./wk. of research time during two consecutive semesters.  Availability of 3-credit option depends on current needs of the lab. The Fall-semester version of the course is Psychology 697, the Spring semester version is Psychology 618. The in-class presentations of 3-crediters typically focus on their own experiments.


  • 1-credit: in-class participation
  • 3-credit: in-class participation, paper, and research

Meeting time and place: Fridays 8:50-10:30(ish) am, room 519 Psychology (unless otherwise noted)

Instructor: Brad Postle, 515 Psychology, 262-4330, postle@wisc.edu

Office hours: By appointment.

With the exception of time-sensitive emergencies, email is the most effective and preferred way for you to contact me.

All readings are either available for download at http://psych.wisc.edu/postlab, or in hardcopy in room 266 during the week prior to class.

Background readings

Postle BR (2011). What underlies the ability to guide action with spatial information that is no longer present in the environment? In A. Vandierendonck and A. Szmalec (Eds.) Spatial Working Memory. Psychology Press (Hove, U.K.), 897-901

Lewis-Peacock JA, Postle BR (2012). Decoding the internal focus of attention.  Neuropsychologia, 50, 470-478

January 24

No Class- BP out of town

January 31

Rigotti M, Barak O, Warden MR, Wang X-J, Daw ND, Miller EK, & Fusi S (2013). The importance of mixed selectivity in complex cognitive tasks.  Nature 497 (7451), 585-590

February 7

No Class (PreLab only), but everyone should read:

Legon W, Sato TF, Opitz A, Mueller J, Barbour A, Williams A, & Tyler WJ (2014). Transcranial focused ultrasound modulates the activity of primary somatosensory cortex in humans. Nature Neuroscience, 17 (2), 322-329

February 14

Pertzov Y, Miller TD, Gorgoraptis N, Caine D, Schott JM, Butler C, & Husain M (2013). Binding deficits in memory following medial temporal lobe damage in patients with voltage-gated potassium channel complex antibody-associated limbic encephalitis. Brain, 136 (Pt 8), 2474-2485.

February 21

De Gardelle V, Waszczuk M, Egner T, & Summerfield C (2013). Concurrent repetition enhancement and suppression responses in extrastriate visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex. 23 (9), 2235-2244

February 28

Çukur T, Nishimoto S, Huth AG, & Gallant JL (2013). Attention during natural vision warps semantic representation across the human brain. Nature Neuroscience. 16 (6), 763-770

March 7

Reinhart RM, & Woodman GF (2014). Oscillatory coupling reveals the dynamic reorganization of large-scale neural networks as cognitive demands change. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 26 (1), 175-188

March 14

Lee J & Lisberger SG (2013). Gamma synchrony predicts neuron-neuron correlations and correlations with motor behavior in extrastriate visual area MT. Journal of Neuroscience. 33 (50), 19677-19688

March 21

No Class- Spring Recess

March 28

Practice CNS Talks

April 4

No Class- CNS

April 11

Bahramisharif A, van Gerven MAJ, Aarnoutse EJ, Mercier MR, Schwartz TH, Foxe JJ, Ramsey NF, & Jensen O (2013). Propagating neocortical gamma bursts are coordinated by traveling alpha waves. Journal of Neuroscience. 33 (48), 18849-18854

April 18

No Class- BP out of town

April 25

Crowe DA, Goodwin SJ, Blackman RK, Sakellaridi S, Sponheim SR, MacDonald III AW, & Chafee MV (2013). Prefrontal neurons transmit signals to parietal neurons that reflect executive control of cognition. Nature Neuroscience, 16 (10), 1484-1491

May 2

Dai J, Brooks DI, & Sheinberg DL (2014). Optogenetic and electrical microstimulation systematically bias visuospatial choice in primates. Current Biology, 24 (1)

May 9

Adam Riggall and Josh LaRocque will give us a preview of their thesis defense talks.

Next Semester

Roux F & Uhlhaas PJ (2013). Working memory and neural oscillations: Alpha-gamma versus theta-gamma codes for distinct WM information? Trends in Cognitive Sciences. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2013.10.010.

Gotts SJ, Chow CC, & Martin A (2012). Repetition priming and repetition suppression: A case for enhanced efficiency through neural synchronization. Cognitive Neuroscience. 3 (3-4), 227-237

Where to take complaints about a Teaching Assistant or Course Instructor:

Occasionally, a student may have a complaint about a TA or course instructor. If that happens, you should feel free to discuss the matter directly with the TA or instructor. If the complaint is about the TA and you do not feel comfortable discussing it with him or her, you should discuss it with the course instructor. If you do not want to approach the instructor, make an appointment to speak to the Department Chair, Professor Patricia Devine, by emailing: chair@psych.wisc.edu.

If your complaint has to do with sexual harassment, you may also take your complaint to Vicky Lenzlinger, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, phone 262-0512 or email her at vlenzlinger@psych.wisc.edu. Her office is located on the second floor of the Psychology building, room 222.

If you believe the TA or course instructor has discriminated against you because of your religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic background, you also may take your complaint to the Office of Equity and Diversity, room 179-A Bascom Hall, or go to: http://www.oed.wisc.edu/

Ethics of being a student in the Department of Psychology

The members of the faculty of the Department of Psychology at UW-Madison uphold the highest ethical standards of teaching and research. They expect their students to uphold the same standards of ethical conduct. By registering for this course, you are implicitly agreeing to conduct yourself with the utmost integrity throughout the semester.

In the Department of Psychology, acts of academic misconduct are taken very seriously. Such acts diminish the educational experience for all involved – students who commit the acts, classmates who would never consider engaging in such behaviors, and instructors. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating on assignments and exams, stealing exams, sabotaging the work of classmates, submitting fraudulent data, plagiarizing the work of classmates or published and/or online sources, acquiring previously written papers and submitting them (altered or unaltered) for course assignments, collaborating with classmates when such collaboration is not authorized, and assisting fellow students in acts of misconduct. Students who have knowledge that classmates have engaged in academic misconduct should report this to the instructor.

For detailed information on how to avoid plagiarism, please see the following website: http://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QuotingSources.html

Your instructor will contact you if s/he has concerns about academic misconduct. You will have an opportunity to explain your work and address your instructor’s concerns. Following the meeting, if your instructor believes that you engaged in misconduct, s/he will decide on an action. Following UW protocol, your instructor will inform the Dean of Students’ Office of the outcome of the meeting and proposed sanction. Penalties for substantiated cases of academic misconduct include a zero on the assignment or exam, a lower grade in the course, and failure in the course. Repeated acts of academic misconduct may result in more serious actions such as probation or suspension. For complete information on proper conduct, academic misconduct, and sanctions, please see UWS Chapter 14: http://students.wisc.edu/saja/misconduct/UWS14.html

Pandemic/Catastrophic Readiness

In the event that this course is no longer able to meet face-to-face, students should be up to date with course readings and prepared to be evaluated on their knowledge/reading of these materials via email communication with the professor or the lab manager. These readings can be found on the lab website at psych.wisc.edu/postlab under the “Lab Meeting” tab. All questions during any such event should be addressed to the lab manager, Michael Starrett (mstarrett@wisc.edu). In additions students should monitor the UW-Madison homepage for emergency information and updates.