The Postle Laboratory investigates many different aspects of human perception and memory function.
We are always recruiting healthy people between the ages of 18 and 35 to participate in our studies.
Some of our experiments are purely behavioral studies (meaning we don’t make any physiological observations) in which you sit before a computer, watch shapes, letters, or words presented on the screen, and respond to them by pressing a button.
We also perform brain scanning experiments that employ fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), a noninvasive means of measuring activity in your brain while you perform a study similar to the behavioral studies described above.
Our lab also uses TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) in which a powerful magnet is used to stimulate specific areas of the brain during memory experiments.
We compensate participants for their time committed to either type of study, with money or, when appropriate, with course credit. Compensation is determined by length of time and type of experiment and is generally $10/hr for behavioral experiments, $15/hr for fMRI, and $20/hr for TMS.
If you wish to participate, please email:
You will be entered into our database and may be contacted by a researcher in the lab during times of recruitment.
We hope to hear from you!