Our interests in human memory and cognition encompass the cognitive and neural basis of working memory, attention, control, and consciousness.
- Inaugural post launches the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Discussion Forum.
- Former undergrad Kenzie Wilcox receives the Undergraduate Impact Award.
- Former undergrad Josh Chung to enter doctoral program in Counseling Psychology at the University of St. Thomas in Fall 2023.
- Former undergrad Michael Starrett is starting a postdoc at the UCI Spatial Neuroscience Lab (https://faculty.sites.uci.edu/spatialneuro/) and has been awarded a postdoctoral NRSA.
- Graduate student Quan Wan’s recent article featured as the cover for the June 2022 issue of PLoS Computational Biology.
- Postdoc Dr. Chunyue Teng selected for a “Faces of the Future” talk at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (Vancouver, BC, Canada, 28 September – 2 October 2022; https://sprweb.org/page/2022_Program). For these talks the SPR program committee ‘highlights 9 outstanding young scientists who have already produced highly impressive work in the domain of psychophysiology’.
- Former undergrad Zengbo Xie to enter PhD program at Vanderbilt University in Fall 2022, in the https://www.geoffwoodman.com/lab
- Postdoc Chunyue Teng’s symposium selected for CNS 2022. “New Perspectives on the Interplay Between Memory and Cognitive Control” will feature herself, Jiefeng Jiang (U. Iowa) , Anne Collins (U. Cal. Berkeley), and Roshan Cools (Donders Institute/Radboud U.)
- 1-year assessment shows promising results for Gender Citation Balance intervention
- Lab alumna Ying Cai’s paper featured as a Research Highlight in eNeuro..
- Brad Postle to become Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Click HERE for Brad’s interview with CNS.
- Lab alumna Olivia Gosseries promoted to permanent position as Chercheuse Qualifiée (Associate Researcher) of the Belgian FNRS at the University of Liege.
- Research scientist Qing Yu to launch her independent career, in September 2020, at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai.
- Congratulations to Dr. Mattia Pietrelli, who is now a real postdoc.
- Lab alumna Cai Ying earns her PhD in Cognitive Science from Beijing Normal University.
- Congratulations Jason Samaha: from PhD (June 2018) to Professor (August 2018).
- Lab alumnus Drew Sheldon (PhD in Neuroscience, 2017) matches to Yale School of Medicine combined Child and Adult Psychiatry Research track residency/fellowship.
- Lab alumna Olivia Gosseries wins ‘Biology Category’ and ‘Audience Favorite’ in Science‘s Dance Your PhD contest.
- Reactivation of latent working memories with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
- Faster brain waves make shorter gaps in visual stream.
- Direct evidence for a prefrontal contribution to the control of proactive interference in verbal working memory.