Univerity of Wisconsin-Madison

Jacqueline Fulvio

Research Scientist & Lab Manager
PhD, New York University

Download a pdf copy of my CV here.


2022-present, Editorial Administrator, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience

2017-present, Research Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2014-2020, Research Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2012-2014, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2009-2012, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

2009, PhD, New York University

2006, MA, New York University

2004, BA, Rutgers College, Rutgers University-New Brunswick



My research training began in the perceptual domain under the advising of Dr. Laurence T. Maloney at NYU, taking a Bayesian approach to investigate how the visual system incorporates prior knowledge and experience to form complete percepts from incomplete sensory information as reported in psychophysical tasks involving visual completion (e.g., through extrapolation or interpolation). During my first post-doc under the supervision of Dr. Paul Schrater at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, I received training in reinforcement learning and other computer science techniques and applied them to better understand and model behavior in extrapolation tasks similar to those I had studied earlier. In that work, I developed  a computational framework for predicting which of two basic decision-making strategies will be utilized by human subjects - 1) simple stimulus-response mappings or 2) predictive models and the factors that influence the learning of those strategies. In a second post-doc under the supervision of Dr. Bas Rokers at the UW - Madison, I expanded my investigations of human visual extrapolation into the virtual reality domain where I could leverage the more “life-like” presentation of stimuli. Through that work, I have further uncovered the role (and in some cases, the consequences) of prior knowledge and experience in human visual perception. Currently, my research with Dr. Brad Postle is focused on cognitive neuroscience, with the goal of understanding the neural correlates of visual working memory. The skills and training that I am developing through this current work have been an exciting and critical component in my thinking about, and future plans for, further study of visual completion tasks, which inherently rely on working memory.  

Please check out the Gender Citation Balance Index web tool that I developed in October, 2020 based on our recent work (Fulvio, Akinnola, & Postle (2021)), which provides authors with the authorship gender category breakdown of their manuscript reference lists:
The corresponding conference talk can be viewed here:

Please read the one-year update on the initially-promising results of launching the tool!

Or, follow the link to watch a video of a talk I gave to the RIOT Science club (UK) that includes the one-year update!


We've been using the UW-Madison high-throughput computing resources to carry out computationally-demanding analyses of our EEG data! To learn more, follow the link to read a summary of a recent talk I gave in June 2022 about our experiences to date and to watch a video of the talk on YouTube!



Teng, C., Fulvio, J.M., Pietrelli, M., Jiang, J., & Postle, B.R. (2023). Temporal dynamics and representational consequences of the control of processing conflict between visual working memory and visual perception. bioRxiv.


25. Fulvio, J.M., Haegens, S., & Postle, B.R. (in press). Single-pulse TMS affects working-memory performance via posterior beta-band oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

24. Wan, Q., Ardalan, A., Fulvio, J.M., & Postle, B.R. (2024). Representing context and priority in working memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(7), 1374-1394. 23. 

23. Fulvio, J.M.,Rokers., B., & Samaha, J. (2023). Task feedback suggests a post-perceptual locus of serial dependence. Journal of Vision, 23(6), 1-17.

22. Fulvio, J.M., Yu, Q., & Postle, B.R. (2023). Strategic control of location and ordinal context in visual working memory. Cerebral Cortex, 1-14.

21. Cai, Y., Fulvio, J.M., Samaha, J., & Postle, B.R. (2022). Context-binding in visual working memory is reflected in bilateral event-related potentials, but not in contralateral delay activity.

20. Teng, C., Fulvio, J.M., Jiang, J., & Postle, B.R. (2022). Flexible top-down control in the interaction between working memory and perception. Journal of Vision, 22(11):3, 1-19

19. Fulvio, J.M., Ji, M., & Rokers., B. (2021). Variations in Sensory Sensitivity Predicts Motion Sickness in Virtual Reality. Entertainment Computing, 38:100423, 1-11

18. Fulvio, J.M., Miao, H. & Rokers, B. (2021). Head jitter enhances 3D motion perception. Journal of Vision, 0(0):07383, 1-17.

17. Fulvio, J.M., Akinnola, I. & Postle, B.R. (2021). Gender (im)balance in citation practices in cognitive neuroscience. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(1), 3-7.

16. Cai, Y., Fulvio, J.M., Yu, Q., Sheldon, A., & Postle, B.R. (2020). The role of location-context binding in nonspatial visual working memory. eNeuro 7(6).

15. Stanney, K., Lawson, B.D., Rokers, B., Dennison, M., Fidopiastis, C., Stoffregen, T., Weech, S., & Fulvio, J.M. (2020). Identifying Causes of and Solutions for Cybersickness in Immersive Technology: Reformulation of a Research and Development Agenda. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction36(19), 1783-1803.

14. Fulvio, J.M. & Postle, B.R. (2020). Cognitive Control, Not Time, Determines the Status of Items in Working Memory. Journal of Cognition, 3(1), 1-8. 

13. Fulvio, J.M.*, Ji, M*, Thompson, L., Rosenberg, A. & Rokers, B. (2020). Cue-dependent effects of VR experience on motion-in-depth sensitivity. Plos One, 15(3), e0229929, 1-14.         

*indicates co-first authorship

12. Rokers, B., Fulvio, J.M., Pillow, J., Cooper, E.A. (2018). Systematic misperceptions of 3D motion explained by Bayesian inference. Journal of Vision, 18(3), 1-23

11. Fulvio, J.M. & Rokers, B. (2017). Use of cues in virtual reality depends on visual feedback. Scientific reports7(1), 1-13.

10. Plate, R.C., Fulvio, J.M., Shutts, K., Green, C.S., & Pollak, S.D. (2017). Probability learning: Changes in behavior across time and development. Child development89(1), 205-218.

9. Fulvio, J.M., Rosen, M.L., & Rokers, B. (2015). Sensory uncertainty leads to systematic misperception of the direction of motion in depth. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics77(5), 1685-1696.

8. Fulvio, J.M., Maloney, L.T., & Schrater, P.R. (2015). Revealing individual differences in strategy selection through visual motion extrapolation. Cognitive neuroscience6(4), 169-179.

7. Fulvio, J.M., Green, C.S., & Schrater, P.R. (2014). Task-specific response strategy selection on the basis of recent training experience. PLoS Computational Biology, 10(1), e1003425, 1-16.

6. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L.T. (2009). An experimental criterion for consistency in Interpolation of partly occluded contours. Journal of Vision, 9(4):5, 1-19.   

5. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L.T. (2008). Precision and consistency of contour interpolation. Vision Research, 48(6), 831-849.

4. Singh, M. & Fulvio, J.M. (2007). Bayesian contour extrapolation: Geometric determinants of good continuation. Vision Research, 47(6), 783-798.

3. Fulvio, J.M. & Singh, M. (2006). Surface geometry influences the shape of illusory contours. Acta Psychologica, 123, 20-40.     

2. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L.T. (2006). Combining achromatic and chromatic cues to transparency. Journal of Vision, 6(8), 760-776. 

1. Singh, M. & Fulvio, J.M. (2005). Visual extrapolation of contour geometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(3), 939-944.

 Conference proceedings (Refereed)

3. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L.T. (2006).  Testing the relatability hypothesis: Inducer offset, not turning angle, is critical for visual interpolation. Visual Cognition (Object Perception, Attention, and Memory (OPAM) 2006 Conference Report), 15(1), 83-87.

2. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M., & Maloney, L.T. (2006). Consistency of location and gradient judgments of visually-interpolated contours. In 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'06) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

1. Singh, M., & Fulvio, J.M. (2006). Contour extrapolation using probabilistic cue combination. In 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW'06) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.


1. Fulvio, J.M., Singh, M. & Maloney, L.T. (2014). Visual interpolation and extrapolation of contours. In Gepshtein, S., Maloney, L.T., & Singh, M. Oxford Handbook of Computational Perceptual Organization. pp.1-27. New York: Oxford University Press.

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